Project 2 Reflection

1)     In this essay I am most proud of the new way in which I learned to write a research paper. I was able to incorporate new writing skills into my paper that I never learned in my high school classes but will aid me in my future writing.
2)     If I had more time to work on this essay I would try to include more specific details to support my topic from a wider range of sources and provide more reasoning to support the legalization of physician assisted suicide.
3)     Peer reviews benefitted my essay the most. This is because it provided me with a lot of constructive feedback that I was able to take into consideration while editing my paper. The teacher review also helped me inn a similar way because it gave me some direction with where to go with my essay.
4)     While writing this project I was able to learn a different way of writing a research paper in which I have previously done in high school. This paper was more formal than other research papers I have written. For example, it includes section topics and a literature review.

5)     If I could improve this assignment I would schedule the peer review before the teacher review so students could meet with that teacher before it is due. 


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