Chapter 1 Response - Amiyah Lytle

Overall, chapter one discussed the basic techniques needed to write towards an audience. It discussed common methods such as using the three appeals to strengthen your argument, addressing the five WH questions, as well as other crucial information. The chapter was essentially just focusing on the broad elements that will be incorporated in our writings. The next chapters will be the in depth version that goes into great detail about each section discussed. The most helpful aspect of chapter one was the section on genre conventions.
Most of this material was mainly review, due to the fact that, I have taken two AP English courses, as well as English courses during my dual enrollment period. However, the fact remains that the information found in Chapter one is incredibly useful in academic papers. It was helpful to refresh on certain aspects that contribute to the enhancement of our writings as students. Particularly the section of the appeals is useful in school related essays. I still think that most of this material was common knowledge. I hope we dive into something more advanced to truly improve our writing to a college level. 

It was interesting to see the paragraphs on style and design. I’ve never really considered these components when writing my essay or creating a Powerpoint. I think these two aspects could really improve m future writing. It would help to better connect to my desires audience and achieve my desired purpose. For my final project, I would like to make sure I incorporate this aspect. 


  1. Nice job, Amiyah! I really like your description of Chapter 1 in your first paragraph. It is very detailed, and if I hadn't read the chapter before I would like to read your summary. This chapter was mostly review for me as well, and I agree that this chapter will be useful in future papers.

  2. Hi Amiyah
    I'm glad to learn this was a review to you, but you were still able to pick up new information from it. I'm also happy to see that you understand that our writings in the future should encompass the elements explained in this chapter. Can't wait to read more of your responses.


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