Chapter 1 Response

I really enjoyed the structure of the writing and how the information was portrayed. Normally, whenever I had read textbooks in high school the information was given in a more formal, structured way, where the topics were more just stated and defined. But I especially enjoyed how in this chapter the reading addresses the reader directly as well as to connect to the reader. The information given was explained more in depth and gave a variety of kinds of examples for each topic. I liked how the writing style and examples connected more to a student audience when the author compared the topics like audience, purpose, and genre to media and sources that are commonly used by the audience.

In the beginning when the author was giving the introduction, I connected with the author explaining how normally people think of genres as just persuasive essays or research papers to how limited I was with knowledge in high school and became closed minded and did not really know much more than what was given to me. As the author said on page 5, there are a whole lot more options out there. And I believe that is so true not only with choosing writing styles and how you can voice your opinion, but also there are a lot more options in picking what I want to do, not with picking the right genres and styles to improve writing because that does not really pertain to me, but with picking more things in life that interest me not just what I am used to or know, but to learn more about new things.


  1. Hi Katie
    I'm happy to hear that the reading made you realize your limitations when it comes to understanding genres. Also, yes, there are options when it comes to style, persuasion, etc, and a writer has several choices to make concerning those in their drafts. I'm glad to see you're learning from the readings.


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