Chapter 1 Response

After reading this chapter I realized that choosing a genre is an important and rather strenuous task, as one needs to execute the process to their own liking.  In my own personal experiences, I was never given the opportunity to explore the various genres offered, as I was always told to write a certain way in order to receive passable scores on either the AP and AICE examinations.  Therefore, this article on genres and the different ways to relay your central message to the audience was very intriguing to me.  Additionally, this chapter further enhanced my knowledge on the three rhetorical appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos.  My tenth grade AICE English Language class briefly explained these devices, so I was always very eager to learn more about using these appeals within my own ideas and the variations within each.  Thus, these appeals will help correlate the various forms of media layouts used to capture the readers’ or the audiences’ attentions which, in my opinion, is an important attribute to have within a writing assignment.  

In addition to rhetorical devices, I found the explanation about sources to be very valuable as I have learned throughout my writing career that sources enhance one’s own essay, as well as, keeps readers engaged.  Unfortunately, I have not had many opportunities to conduct research so I am hoping this class will help me strengthen those invaluable skills.  Overall, this chapter has enlightened the limited conceptions that I was once taught to adhere to, making me very intrigued to begin embedding these new strategies within my own writing.   


  1. I agree with your response because all the standardized tests require you to stay within a bubble almost and they don't give you the opportunity to expand into new genres and writing styles. I also agree with you when you mentioned that your teacher gave you limited information on ethos, pathos and logos and that this chapter helped expand your knowledge on them because with all these standardized tests, teachers give you very minimal information (enough so you can recognize them) so you are unable to see the true effects these strategies can have on people when they are used correctly like in the sample articles at the end of the chapter.

  2. Hi Hannah
    I love your writing, it's very melodic. In this course we will develop lots of drafts and you will have plenty of opportunities to apply the rhetorical appeals on your writing. I'm looking forward to reading your work.


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