
I really liked the video that Taylor made because it was a good visual representation for people who don’t like football. Personally, I like football, so I think it is necessary to have more research done for the players wellbeing.

I really liked how Sarah chose such a relevant topic to today’s times. I really liked her journal entries because it showed how much a person is affected by others. No one should be judged based on their gender.

Luke B
I really like that he used a survey because it gave a semi accurate representation of the people here. I think it’s really funny that he chose the topic of makeup because most of the girls here always are done up.

The Spotify playlist was a very unique idea. I like that she included songs that help her study, or can be helpful for studying. Music does tend to affect a person mood, so it was an interesting genre alteration.

I really liked the twitter page that he made because it hit his target audience, teens. I like how he followed different accounts to make it seem like an actual twitter.

Emily m
I like how Emily made a Tumblr blog, but disclosed that she was not a vegetarian. Her blog was really informative and offered the history of vegetarians, which I thought was cool and interesting.

Emily S
I like the survey she gave people because it showed that people think there should be a choice in life and death. I also like the Pinterest she made because it helped raise awareness for physician assisted suicide. I think it is only fair to let people choose how they want to live and die. Otherwise, they live a painful miserable life.  

The purpose of this video trailer was to show that mass shooting are only increasing and something need to be done to control this. I though the video was intense and go the point across.

I didn’t like how john overcomplicated bitcoin to someone who has never heard of it. I know a bit about it and a simpler way to describe it is to analogize it to the wall street stock market. It appreciates and depreciates.

The different charts he showed gave a nice visual representation on how amazon is affecting publishing companies. I never even thought about how much business these companies are losing, but trend come and go.

I like how Madison’s blog incorporated different things like eating disorders, media’s depiction of an “attractive” body, and more. It was very informative.


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