Chapter 1 Response

I found the reading very interesting, but also rather confusing. I never realized how complex choosing a genre can be. In high school, the only genre I used was academic writing and my main audience was my teacher. I was given a rubric for every paper and as long as I followed it, I received a good grade. I never thought there were different styles and designs I could use within one genre. However, unknowingly I have used different designs to present my academic work throughout high school. For example, I have used my art skills to create posters and paintings to communicate to my audience in a different media. During my projects, my primary purpose was to follow directions and impress my audience(my teacher). However, my secondary purpose was to communicate my opinions to my classmates on a more personal level. This shows how genres can be flexible and overlap.
Understanding what is your primary purpose is such a crucial part in composing. As a composer, you have to know your audience, purpose, and choice of genre to be able to pick the appropriate rhetorical appeal.(Ethos, Pathos, or Logos). In the project I talked about earlier, I feel like I used logos when I was writing my actual paper because I was using logic and facts to support my arguments. However, in the presentation I was using pathos because my audience had changed from my teacher to my classmates. I was trying to appeal to their emotions rather than convince them with facts.   After the reading, I have a better understanding of choosing a genre and composition that is appropriate and effective for my audience.


  1. I agree, an author's purpose is essentially the structure of their argument, using such things as style and rhetorical appeal to mold the rest of their writing in order to determine the genre.

  2. Hi Luke
    I enjoyed your telling of your previous writing experiences. I found it interesting how you pointed out that in the past you used to write to please your audience - your teacher. It's great to see you learning that actually you can make your own decisions, and that does not really mean that the audience won't be pleased. Loved reading your response!


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