Chapter One Response

  Chapter One expanded on many writing components that I have been familiar with, but the chapter further emphasized the importance of choosing the appropriate genre when formatting my writing, rhetorical situations in regards to the purpose of writing and audience, and rhetorical appeals. I have not noticed the different elements of writing that I might have incorporated in papers I have written before, but reading this chapter made me realize the different genres I have used.
  I also was able to reflect on past papers regarding the usage of rhetorical appeals. I, however, have written papers that incorporated both pathos as well as logos. For example, I wrote a paper about the rise and fall of the Black Panther Party(BPP) within the black community and the misconceptions of the BPP. I used logos in the paper my providing evidence and facts that supported the reason for the decline of the Black Panther Party. I also used pathos in my paper my introducing how misconceptions of the BPP lead to the death and arrest of many BPP leaders, and connecting social problems within the black community, which the BPP tried to resolve, to social problems in present day. In conclusion, the chapter allowed me to reflect on my own writing in the past and to be more aware of those elements in future writing.


  1. Hi Ke'yana
    What a great reading response! I'm really happy to see you reflect on previous writing you've done through the lens of the concepts introduced in this chapter! Your essay on the Black Panther Party seems to have been really interesting! Can't wait to read your drafts!


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