Logan chapter one response

I was pleasantly surprised, not by the purpose of the chapter, but by the way it changed my perspective on persuasive, academic writing and its many genres. The introduction chapter reviews familiar concepts, as expected, giving the reader a smooth transition into new topics. As the chapter discusses genres as mediums for arguments or to "get the reader on board" I realized that I had never quite thought about it in this way before. My thinking was always quite simple minded, and involved simply writing an argument the way I was told, in one or two formats, and not pondering why I should do it one way over another, or how I could do it many other ways. The text shows the memoirs of Annie Burton, and how this genre facilitated the achievement of her goal to portray her life as a slave. The chapter explains that this genre was chosen for a specific reason by Burton, and this was what was so refreshing to hear as a student tired of being stuck writing essays in one format without really knowing the bigger picture. The author has the choice of which genre or media in which to most successfully bring home the point or argument, and get the audience on board with his/her thinking. I enjoyed that aspect of the chapter most, and agreed with what it was explaining.


  1. Hi Logan
    It's great to see that the chapter made you re-think the different forms in which you could write an essay. It's normal to just follow directions in order to aim for a good grade, but our class has as goal to expand the way we think about writing and make us find our personal way to approach writing. Great reflection.


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