Shitty first Drafts Response

Anne Lamott's "Shitty First Drafts" was a very real take on the writing process. She really opened up and recognized how writing is not an easy, one step process. It in fact takes time and patience and most of the time cannot get it done in one sitting. This is why writing a paper for class cannot be done in one night, it needs to be done at least twice and, in my opinion, be read over by at least two trusted people. This way a second set of eyes will look at it and point out errors or give feed back that one did not find in their own paper.

Lamott gave great ideas on how to truly get started with a paper, you write down any and everything that comes to mind and when you reread it, you find that one spark to start the paper. It can get frustrating knowing that you wrote six pages and the very last sentence is the only one you'll use, but it is rewarding when the final draft is completed and to ones own perfection.


  1. I agree with you that it is rewarding when the final draft is completed. The process of writing is very frustrating and time consuming, but it is worth it when your final draft is something you can be proud of.

  2. Hailey, you made a lot of good points in this response. It seems like you gained a lot from this article like me.

  3. I agree with the fact that writing is a process and cannot be completed in one step.

  4. Hi Hailey
    Writing first drafts without really minding the form and structure is not about going back to it later and picking the 'good sentences' out of it. It's about reading it afterwards and deciding what arguments you'll keep, how you'll structure your writing, and how you'll end it. It's not about coming up with useful sentences for the future, but working on the "skeleton" of your essay.


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