Chapter 9 - Amiyah Lytle

Basically this chapter is about different ways to revise and remix your work.  Chapter 9 explains that peer reviewing is a good technique for your writing. It allows you to see your writing in a different perspective. They give you different ways to ask one to review your paper. They also give you questions to ask about your paper, as well as follow up questions. In Chapter 9, they also show you how to change your paper to another genre such as multimedia.

I think this chapter is helpful for class tomorrow when peer reviewing each other's papers. I think the questions help to really dive into your paper and understand what kind of message it puts across. The follow up questions also provide for a waypoint clear up and confusions and give you more intel on the steps you should take to revise your paper.


  1. I totally agree that the discussion questions will really help us tomorrow.


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