Chapter 9 Responce

This reading suggested two different forms of revising that I believe would be very helpful when writing my papers, especially when used together. The first revising tactic based on my own observations includes writing an author's statement which I had never considered doing before. I think it is a great way to reflect on what i'm writing and why I think it is important. By writing out explanations of my choices for both the topic and style of my writing, I will get the chance to see if i'm being focused enough and evaluate my choices on my own. Then I can use this to look back at my writing to see if they align. I will definitely use this in my research papers where it can be really easy for me to get off topic or rant about something irrelevant. I also think it will help me focus on specific factors such as style and tone which I don't always consider when writing because i'm so focused on just getting the message across. The second revising tactic is to use peer review. This is the tactic that I tend to use most often by asking my classmates and close friends to review my writing just to see if it makes sense to them. However, I didn't really consider that this could be helpful with making sure my connections and transitions are clear and even more importantly to consider counter arguments. I think the next time I write I will use both of these tactics but also try to find people with differing views when asking for a peer review so I can really make sure that my argument encompasses a the counter argument and final resolution in a coherent way.


  1. I agree with you in that I did not use the first technique with authors statement either. I also use peer review most often to revise my work


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