chapter 9 response

            I found this chapter very helpful to me, and my re-writing process. Because I usually don’t write several drafts, I’m not really familiar with the process. One thing that I did find amusing was the idea that first drafts usually lack logic, because well mine most definitely does. Additionally, the concept of peer review is something that I have never familiarized myself with before, but I am looking forward to it. Most specifically, I am hoping that by having my peers, who may not be the most experienced, I will be able to learn if my writing is cohesive, and can be understood. Also, I like the idea of asking for feedback rather than random critiques because after all it is not within human nature to enjoy being criticized. The examples of text and the revision process that followed was very helpful in understanding exactly what was expected of me. Personally In my next draft I am hoping to incorporate some more examples, and evidence from reputable sources to support my arguments.  began this process in the last draft, mostly focusing on one extended example, but by applying this to the essay as a whole, I should be able to expand the length of my writing, while adding valuable content.


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