Chapter 9 Response

Chapter 9 was interesting because of the author's perspective on peer reviews and how they're different than the writer's own proof-reading. In this chapter, the author also stressed the importance of multiple drafts and editing those drafts to perfect the writing.

Professional pieces are those that are read over and peer-reviewed several times in order to clean it up. Peer-reviewing is a key component in the writing process and it is essential to effectively get the author's point across. A writer often misses parts in their writing that another person would be able to see, because they often get locked into their thinking about their subject and everything makes sense to them, while in reality it could make no sense at all.

Personally, I find it hard to find people willing to read my pieces because it's not always interesting and I also feel like reading it again myself is just as effective. I do agree with creating multiple drafts, as nobody can write a flawless piece on just their first try.


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