Chapter 9 Response

Chapter 9 was really helpful to me, because I have a hard time revising my own papers. I easily go off topic when I’m trying to reach a word count, but the revising strategy would probably help me decide what I am trying to say in my paper. I feel like I will probably use it, but then again it is really hard for me to read my own papers. The second strategy that was suggested was peer review. It is also hard for me to have other people read my papers because I get protective over my papers. I am also easily embarrassed when it comes to my own writing, but I need to get over this because peer review seems like a really good way to get feedback. It is hard to know if someone is good at giving feedback but that is the risk that peer review requires. Another persons’ opinion, even if it isn’t good, will help me look at my paper in a new light. This is what I need because it is hard for me to think outside of the box when it comes to my own paper.


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