Chapter 9: Revising

The first section of chapter 9 makes some very good points about revising drafts. It touches a lot upon peer reviewing and to be completely honest, I have always been a bit skeptical about this way of revising because I feel like maybe not everyone will be able to help me improve my writing. What if they don't really understand what is being asked? or What if they give me the wrong advice? I had always wondered how having a classmate could possibly help my writing if we are all attempting to write a paper or essay for the same professor, who might be looking for specific things. I now understand that peer reviewing can actually more beneficial than anything in the process of revising solely because it gives a second opinion and a second pair of eyes for your draft. For peer reviewing, it does not necessarily need to be a friend or a classmate; it can actually be a teacher, your parents, and even a tutor. I actually did not know this initially and I was always under the impression that in order to have a peer review my work, it must be a "peer". Lol, I was very wrong but now that I have been informed, I will no longer feel obligated to ask a friend or a classmate. This actually gives me an option of people who can review my drafts in the future. I also appreciated the fact that this chapter included multiple examples of different peer reviewers because they showed me that, yes, every person who you ask to review your writing will have different things to add or change; however, it will always be up to you to take what you find the most helpful.


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