Chapter 9

Chapter 9 essentially stresses the importance and usefulness of having another individual peer review your work. As a writer you simply write what is on your mind. I know that when i am writing something I put down a string of thoughts that in my head might make sense but to others theirs simply no connection. Because of this peer reviews are a great tool. They put your paper into another mindset. Perhaps your paper was stuck on one point of view and a peer review can help change that. By having another person read your paper you can catch easy mistakes and make the writing a lot more understandable to others. I personally dont like peer reviews unless its anonymous. Although I hate them I know how useful they can be and have to try to like them in order for my work to improve.


  1. i agree that the chapter helped remind me of the importance of peer reviews, and i can relate to how peer reviews can make me feel somewhat insecure. but i do see how they can be very helpful.


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