dining activity - Amiyah Lytle

This is the order I chose to incorporate my sources into my research paper:
1.     Rokach, Ami. "Senseless Violence: An Overview." Journal of Psychology 151.1 (2017): 107-11. Web.
2.     Wallace, Lacey N. "Responding to Violence with Guns: Mass Shootings and Gun Acquisition." The Social Science Journal 52.2 (2015): 156-67. PsycINFO. Web.
3.     Devi, Sharmila. "Researchers Call for Reform of US Gun Control Policies." The Lancet 380.9853 (2012): 1545. PsycINFO. Web.
4.     Blum, Dinur, and Christian Jaworski. "From Suicide and Strain to Mass Murder." Society 53.4 (2016): 408-13. Web.
5.     Schildkraut, Jaclyn, and H. Jaymi Elsass. Mass Shootings: Media, Myths, and Realities. Santa Barbara, CA, US: Praeger/ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA, 2016. Crime, Media, and Popular Culture PsycINFO. Web.

I chose this order because this provides the nicest flow of information in regard to how I want to section my essay. Ami’s piece and Lacey’s piece both have aspects connecting to the notion of certain factors that may be motivating these mass murders. Although I originally wanted to place Schildkraut and Elsass’ piece after Lacey’s, the two main ideas contradict in their perspectives of motives being mental illness upon these individuals, rather than the motivation of social influence. Yet, Jaclyn and Jaymi’s piece followed up so well in correspondence to different realities that come along with mass shootings. If I changed the order in which I plan to introduce my evidence, my research paper wont flow as smoothly as it should due to the disconnect between ideology and perspective.


  1. The organization of your table shows you have a deep understanding and grasp of your sources.


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