Dinner Seating

Physician Assisted Suicide should be away from the other articles because it the most different from the rest; this article explains why Physicians disagree with physician assisted suicide while all the other articles explain the benefits of physician assisted suicide. Physician Assisted Suicide: Two Moral Arguments would probably be the closest argument to this first one because although it does show the benefits of physician assisted suicide which contrasts the negatives of physician assisted suicide it briefly explains the moral arguments against physician assisted suicide. These should be close because the moral arguments are similar in both articles. The article that I would put next to these is Legalized Physician-Assisted Suicide in Oregon-The    First Years’ Experience because it introduces a state where physician assisted suicide is already legal; this will help to introduce the idea that it should be legal. Both A National Survey of Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in the United States and Desire for Euthanasia or Physician-Assisted Suicide in Palliative Cancer Care should be next to each other because they both discuss reasons why physician assisted suicide is a logical option for patients especially with terminal illness. 


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