Table Activity

For my dinner table, I put the historical review of the commissioning of health care disciplines in the USPHS at the head of the table because it is more focused on the historical side of the PA profession and bow it all got started. It is next to the career flexibility for physician assistants and physician assistants: education, practice and global interest, because these two articles relate more to how the profession got started and how it has developed over the years. The career flexibility for physician assistants and physician assistant and nurse practitioner malpractice trends are next to each other because these both relate to the actual practice of a PA and the benefits and issues of being in the practice. I seated physician assistants: education, practice, and global interest and analysis of the level of general clinical skills of physician assistant students using an objective structured clinical examination together because these both relate to how a PA gets educated and the clinical skills needed for a PA to complete their full education.


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