Project 2 Questions

1. In this essay, I am the most proud of how I have learned how to find a proper and noteworthy source. In the past, I had just used sources that only agreed with my answer to and essay rather than use one that I could easily refute and make my essay stronger.

2. IF I was given more time I would probably add a survey or questionnaire to my essay to find the overall consensus regarding the thoughts and opinions of the FSU students around me. It would have enabled me to consider what was the most subversive idea on campus or in society general.

3. The annotated bibliography step definitely helped me more than any of the other steps because when I sat down to conduct my research I had a purpose for gathering the main points of a source and figuring out how I was going to use them in my paper. By the time I had finished my annotations my essay has essentially written itself. 

4. I learned that it is 100% beneficial to write an essay in separate parts rather than write it all at once. The proposal helped me because it helped me gather my jumble of ideas, the outline helped because I was able to figure our how I wanted to say things and in what order, the annotations helped I was able to get all of the answers I needed, and the draft 1 and peer review helped because I was able to get outside opinions.

5. The only thing I would change is word count of the final draft but that's due in part by the usual college laziness.


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