Project 2

1. Possible the thing I am most proud of during project 2 was my ability to schedule my writing time. This is to say I did not fall behind on the writing, leaving it all for last minute.

2. The thing I would change of the essay is the research question. I believe i chose a very difficult topic for my first research essay, dealing on a topic that does not have many sources available.

3. The research outline benefited me the most. This was because it created a structure for me to follow. All i had to do is fill each section with the corresponding information.

4. In project two i learned that research essay are more than simply stating facts. You have to take these facts and later build an argument around the information you provided.

5. If their is one thing i could change about the project is the requirement of 8 sources. I believe that by providing this minimum it forces students to pick sources that dont necessarily fit.


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