
1. I am most proud of the fact that I did not procrastinate the project until the final week. I completed the project well before the due date. It was a moral victory for me.

2. If I was given more time I would try to get a more detailed and specific research question/sources. Doing this would make the paper more concise and better overall.

3. The annotated bibliography benefitted me the most because it helped to refresh my mind on economics. I had not created any models for a few months so it was nice to read over the articles and write about them before I had started writing the paper. It gave me a nice sense of what I was going to write.

4. I learned how to write an annotated bibliography and the use of the FSU library resources was the most beneficial to me. Knowing how to do these things will help me in the future as I progress towards my degree.

5. If I could I would increase the word count because I had much more I wanted to do, as well as go in depth to a much greater extent. The word count limited that because of the number of sources we had to use.


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