
1.       What are you most proud of in this essay?
I am very proud that I was able to apply my knowledge from my major into my research paper. I am a psychology major, so I have recently been learning about social psychology and introduction to brain and behavior, so I was able to relate the brain to emotional pain. I was excited I could apply my knowledge on the brain and neurotransmitters.
2.       What would you change or add in the essay?
If I were given more time I would’ve included a specific section on the bond that and animal shares with their owner. Military personal are organized in platoons, which is a group of people, to serve their terms. These men are their family and when they go home from service they are left with no one. They are so used to being in a group that the isolation tends to have a great effect on them.
3.       Considering all the steps that we took, which benefited you the most and how?
Honestly, every single step benefited me a lot and came in extremely helpful. I was having a difficult time writing the research paper so being able to make my outline from my proposal questions was really helpful. It took me a really long time to do the annotated bibliography, but in the end, it helped me so much with the organization of my paper, along with making it easy to find the sources I was looking for quickly.
4.       In terms of writing, not topic, what did you learn from project two? What was you take away?
I learned how to properly cite and that you have to introduce your sources using a literature review. I had no clue a research paper needed that. I also didn’t know an annotate bibliography even existed before this class. I found the research paper very useful in helping me gain tool for future reference.
5.       What would you change in terms of this assignment?

I am not really sure what I would change. I like that you could choose any topic, but I felt like maybe there were too many sources. 


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