Research Essay Reflection

1. What are you most proud of in this essay?

In this essay, I am most proud of my literature review because I was able to remain unbiased on my      topic on euthanasia.  Since these is a critical topic I was afraid that I was going to be biased when comparing the benefits and harms of this practice.

2. What would you change or add in the essay given more time?

If I was given more time I would probably add to my conclusion to coherently display my opinions on my research topic to the audience.

3. Considering the steps that we took (outline, annotated bibliography, peer review) which benefited you the most and how?

Out of all the steps we took during this research assignment, including the outline, annotated bibliography, and peer review I believe the annotated bibliography benefited me most. The annotated bibliography gave me an understanding of my sources which helped within the literature review.

4. In terms of writing and not the topic of your essay what did you learn?

This research assignment taught me how to coherently write a literature review. I never had the option on writing a whole literature review in the past so having the opportunity to do this now will be beneficial for me in the future.

5. What would you change about this assignment?

If I were to change one aspect of this assignment, I would add to the annotated bibliography.  I believe it would be more beneficial to annotate more sources so that we have a greater understanding on the research topic and sources involved.


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