Research Paper Response

1. What am I most proud of in this essay? 
       I would have to say that I am most proud of the entire thing. This was the first research paper I completed in a very, very long time so it was off to a very rocky start. However, come 1am when I finally finished the paper I was beyond proud of the whole thing.
2. What would I change or add into the essay if I was given more time?
       I would add another survey/ run another test to further provide numerical responses that support my researched topic/claim. The survey I did, did indeed do this, however I feel as though another survey containing different questions would have made a difference.
3.  Considering all the steps taken, which step benefited me the most? and How?
      The step that benefited me the most would have been the one on one conferences. Prior to the conference my first draft was far from correct in many, many ways... but once I received feedback I was then on the right track and felt more confident in what I was writing and how I was writing it.
4.  In terms of writing, what did you learn about your topic from this project?
     I have always been passionate about this topic and I have had in depth conversations regarding technology in linkage to music and the music industry; however, I was not as knowledgeable on the music industry before I was born/how it all began, so researching the "historical background" portion of my essay was both enlightening and fulfilling.
5. What would you change about this assignment?
     I wouldn't change much... I feel as though we were given the perfect amount of freedom, seeing that we were able to choose our own topic, which I was personally very grateful for.


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