Research Paper Response

1. I am most proud of the research I did on this paper and the accuracy of my paper's content. Also, I liked the fluency of my paper, I thought it flowed from each topic good.
2. If given more time to write my essay, I would look up more statistics about my topic to further stress my argument.
3. The annotated bibliography benefitted me the most before writing my paper. By making an annotated bibliography I was able to get a good background on my topic and have several sources that I can pull information out of for my paper.
4. My biggest takeaway from this research paper was that the sources you use in writing your paper are very important. It is important to have good, credible, reliable sources that you can use in your paper.
5. The only part of this assignment I would change about this assignment is that the outline we created be removed as that did not help as much as the annotated bibliography.


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