Research Paper Response

1.       I am most proud of that I conducted a survey and was able to analyze the results to test a hypothesis.
2.       What I would change or add in the essay is I would have conducted an actual observational study instead of just a survey to see if that would give me better, more accurate results.
3.       Considering the steps, we took before writing the essay, the annotated bibliography helped the most because it forced me to have my sources already ready and also not only have my sources but also know a summary about them, which helped significantly with my literature review.  
4.       My take away from project two, not only is just the understanding of how to write a research paper and what a research paper consists of but also the fact that I can write my own research paper.

5.       If I could, I would change the time frame for the assignment, maybe add another draft in between the final with another conference. 


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