Presentation day two

Taylor Wilhemy: I thought the video was a great choice, because not all people know or have seen what conclusions in the NFL look like.
Sarah : loved the text messages they were so funny, The journal entries are also awesome, I think that these are such a good representation of gender roles in society.
Luke: I love his project, like so much! the survey is  a great idea because It really allows you to understand the diversity that is found in the world of makeup.
Katie : The Spotify playlist was cool to show the difference between ways that students study
Logan green: The poem was really great. Like music itself had a good rhythm . a good representation of the actual project
Emily Melcher:  I feel like your blog is all inclusive, and very informational. this is great cause people  who know nothing about it will be able to learn and maybe become a vegetarian.
Amaya: The video was so intense but I definitely indicates the realness of this situation... it gave me goosebumps!
John Martinez : I think the story is such good idea because I was wondering if people were getting rich online, and that answers the question perfectly.
Sean Keenan: The blog post has really good data that helps to explain your project.
Madison Hill : I like that your Tumblr shows a progression from phones to social media to body image. I think that is a good way to exhibit your project.
Emily Stock: I think all three of your genres worked well together.


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