Presentation notes- Day 2


For this presentation I liked the video clip you had. It was a creative way to highlight what you were talking about for all ages to understand.

Sarah Liem

I like how she created 3 interesting visuals. She did a good job explaining all of the different projects she made and why she used those and how she related each project to the topic.

Luke Berrard

For this project, I liked the survey and how it outlined how many people felt they had to wear makeup. It was also interesting that most people start wearing makeup at the age of 12-14.

Katie Herlihy

The Spotify playlist was an interesting project idea, but it was a nice idea because it was original and an interesting way to get to the audience.

Logan Green

I liked the poem that he made because it was a hopeful poem and it can get through too many different ages of audiences.

Emily Melcher

I liked her blog post and all the different types of posts she made to get across to all different audiences.


I liked the video clip and how well it tied into the whole project. She did a good job of explaining the topic and connecting with all audiences.

John Martinez

I liked this project because I was not aware of anything about the cryptocurrency and it was interesting to learn about. The mock interview was an original idea and reached out to many different audiences.

Sean Kennan

I liked to topic of amazon and how it is affecting our market because amazon is a very prominent aspect to buying all kinds of things and it is a very relatable topic.

Madison Hill

This topic was interesting because, so many people are focused on body image and only care about what they look like, and social media has a big role in girl’s body image.

Emily Stock

I liked this topic because it is something that is very controversial in todays society and this shows the benefits that could come from physician assisted suicide.


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