presentation responses day 2 - amiyah lytle

what did you like (what works?)
if it was my project, what would I have done differently?

Taylor W.

If it were my project, I would've elaborated a little more but to be fair, thats hard since the topic is pretty clear cut.

Sarah Liem

I liked the different genres she chose for her project. It was effective for her topic and audience. Her choice of a journal was very effective in portraying her topic of gender roles and stereotypes.

Luke B

I liked his topic because I connect with it. His choice of using an Instagram was a very effective choice for the audience.

Katie Herlihy

I liked how she surveyed people and created the genre for spotify then putting it on poster. It was very effective around finals time and her placement of the posters around campus.

Logan Green

For the nature of his topic, I like that he chose a poem for his focused genre. it was very personal for him and it was very effective in communicating his thesis across to the audience.

Emily Melcher

I like how she chose a blog post for her genre. it was very detailed in explaining her research and topic. It provided lots of information and visuals to give a better understanding to her audience.

John M.

If it were my project, I would include a bit more information on the topic of cryptocurrency because it makes he project somewhat confusing. However, his use of the genre of the interview clears up a lot of the background.

Sean Keenan

His blog post is very in-depth with a lot of posts that explain his topic and its effective because it provides trends, patterns, and explanations that help to get across information. Kinda confused on the main topic though.

Madison Hill

Her use of a Tumblr is very effective for her audience. It portrayed a dedication to her topic with the in-depthness but also it was connected heavily since her topic of social media and body shame

Emily Stalk

Her use of a survey for something so academic was very successful.


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