Presentations Day 1 and Day 2

(Pick 1, per presentation) 
  1. What is the purpose of the project?
  2. What do you specifically like what the project?
  3. If the project was yours, what would you do?

Emily Nadel 
  1. The purpose of the project is to inform her audience, parents, to recognize and acknowledge how the teaching style in America is lacking compared to other countries. Her pan-flit appeals to parents ethos all while appealing to also logos, as factual data is provided.

Caroline Bing 
  1. One specific thing I like is the poem. I personally am incapable of writing GOOD poetry, and I feel as though her satirical poem truly conveyed the intended purpose. Also the overall design of her website is very light hearted and welcoming, creating a greater appeal.

Analeza Newman (Me) 

Ke'yana Walker 
  1. The opposite genre convention is a Resume, and considering the serious topic, I believe this convention was perfectly chosen. The name on the Resume is "HOPE," which provides for significant satire seeing that the individual applying for the "job" is hopeful of the outcome but does not know what the future holds.

Josh Liles
  1. I LOVED the satirical article. The idea of the Tide Pods being thrown into the ocean to "bring back the color" is so creative and effective! Loved loved loved. 

Lauren Bodden
  1. The purpose of the first genre convention, the memes, was to make the serious topic of strict parenting and the negative affects on adolescence, funny. The hashtag perfectly appeals to the conventions of the chosen genre and gets the point across.

Sydney Sawyer 
  1. If the project was mine I would have used more effective captions on the Meme portion of the project. The captions didn't really subvert the genre.

Garret Podolan
  1. The purpose of the survey was to formally address and express people's views on corporate tax cuts. 

Hailey Maksymaik
  1. The Facebook page effectively reaches all audiences, but specifically those looking to attend physician school. It appeals to adult humor, and also formal adult interests regarding future educational opportunities. 

Leah Putnal
  1. I really enjoyed the poem, it was very effective yet light-hearted and punny. The shape of the poem, in paralleling how in most unhealthy diets individuals end up regaining their weight and being worse off than when they started, was a very effective touch. 

Alexis aguila
  1. The poem was very creative & quote beautiful. Effectively appealing to audiences ethos and pathos, the poem reflected the topic and also could be linked to a larger picture. Very eye opening through symbolism! 

Gaby Boudani
  1. I liked the pictures included in the awareness poster, for viewers it will grab their attention and allow them to look more into the flyer. The concept behind the flyer, in providing information behind dogs for Veterans is a great cause and a great cause to make flyers for.

Hannah Lipman
  1. The subversion YouTube video on the topic is very very creative and I can tell there was a lot of effort put into the video. The questions asked made it very clear as to what the topic was and what message was trying to be conveyed. 

Taylor Wilhelmy
  1. Very creative outlet in presenting the genre/topic in a different way. I liked how the video presented both actual time and slow motion to represent the severity of these hits. 

Sarah Liem
  1. VERY creative & effective! I feel as though some other journal entries lack in getting to the point and conveying the topic effectively; however, the journal entry provides numerous examples on how males have certain expected gender rolls to fall into. 

Luke Berard 
  1. I really liked the different outlets chosen to adapt the topic into different genres. The poster was very bold and made a clear and dominate statement, which turned out to be very effective! 

Kathryn Herlihy 
  1. I liked how the flyers grabbed viewers attention by asking about Final exams. This would forsure turn heads and get the poster more exposure! 

Logan Green 
  1. The poem was very effective and moving, drawing attention to the importance of the topic: music and culture appropriation. 

Emily Melcher 
  1. The blog went into depth regarding the topic & focused on various sub-topics within the main topic, which is vegetarianism. The blog appealed significantly to the genre convention, and was overall very interesting! 

Emily Stock
  1. The purpose of the genre adaption was to convey why physician assisted suicide should be legalized. 

Amiyah Lytle
  1. The trailer/video was very creative and appealed to many of the genre conventions of movie trailers we discussed in class. The use of the heartbeat in the background was very effective in creating suspense and to s certain extent, anxiety. 

John Martinez 
  1. Very few students did an interview as their genre adaptation, so seeing a new approach to this project was very refreshing. The person to person interview stresses how important cryptocurrency is however how some individuals diving into the new found trend don't realize it's worth. 

Sean Keenan
  1. The purpose of the project was to highlight the effects of digital publishing on actual publishing. Through the blog post, graphs and articles thoroughly dive into the topic.

Madison Hill 
  1. The Tumblr/blog post addressed many of the sub-components within the main topic, and was very effective. 


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