Presentations Day 2

Taylor Wilhelmy: The use of the video helps to give a visual and show the impact of a hard tackle, and how it can lead to a concussion. The video places football in a different perspective because many people do not think about the seriousness of a concussion.

Sarah Liem: The journal entry was impactful because the first journal entry show that masculinity can hinder men from showing or expressing their feeling because they may feel that being "emotional" is a feminine quality, and men should hide their feeling.

Luke Berard: I like the use of the survey because it show how different people use makeup, and to show that people should not depend solely on makeup for beauty.

Kathryn Herlihy: I like the Spotify playlist because it show the different types of music students listen to while they study, and how the music can affect their academic performance.

Logan Green: The poem shows the powerful message and impact that music, such as hip hop, to bridge to cultures, and to avoid cultural appropriating hip hop music. Hip hop can be used to help others learn and respect other cultures.

Emily Melcher: The Tumblr blog gives background information about vegetarianism, and it provides different information about the health benefits of vegetarianism and how it can prevent diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Emily Stock: The Pinterest  shows protests that supported the legalization of physician assisted suicide, and information about physician assisted suicide.

Amiyah Lytle: The trailer shows how mass shootings are very prevalent in our society, but not many steps are being taken by institutions in our society to prevent mass shootings, such as gun control.

John Martinez: The fictional story about a person receiving an interview shows how the person invested in cryptocurrency and how they have benefitted greatly by investing in cryptocurrency.

Sean Keenan: I like that the blog post gives graphs and information on how the publishing industry is being negatively affect by Amazon.

Madison Hill: I like how the Tumblr blog uses memes and videos to show how people judge their body image based on social media posts or pictures.


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