Presentations (Day 2)

Taylor- NFL concussion protocol
I liked how she used to the video of the hardest hits as a way for the audience to really understand the frequency and the depth of what it means to get a concussion as a football player and just how important it is to

Luke- Make up
I like the way the survey he had in the beginning had the percentages of people that answered each answer because it gave context and basic information on what he was trying to achieve with the project.

Emily- vegetarianism
I like how in her blog she spoke to her main audience of young adults by using pictures and recipes rather than focusing mainly on large paragraphs. This shows she understands the genre and the people that will be looking at it.

Amaya- mass shootings
I like how in the trailer that she created, it showed the emotional element of the idea of mass shootings and put the audience into perspective of what it would be like to experience one, showing the depth and seriousness of the subject.

John- Cryptocurrency
I like how in the interview he created, he was able to explain what cryptocurrency was and how a person could invest and understand it and its mechanisms which is important considering the confusion about the topic.

Sean- Amazon
I like how in the blog/timeline he created he gave data comparing the different aspects of the Amazon and Digital and nondigital readings.

Madison Hill- Body images
I like how in her Tumblr page she was able to portray the way in which social media was able to negatively influence body images and was relevant to the audience that she was seeking out. The topic has to do with young adults, which is also the main audience of the social media Tumblr.

Emily- Physician assisted suicide
I like how in her children's poem she was able to get across the main points of the topic in a simple but informative way.


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