Presentations - Day 2

Answer one for each presentation:
1.) What did you like about this project?
2.) If this were your project, what would you do differently?

1.) I like how she showed us multiple (visual) examples of how football players can be negatively impacted by their very own career (mainly focusing on concussions).

Sarah Liem
1.) I like the fact that she made a journal entry of a boy being vulnerable, which is one thing that boys are not typically seen as.

Luke Berard
1.) I think the paper survey that he handed out to a sample of individuals was a very clever way of getting other people's perspectives on whether a "glam" or a "natural" look is better, depending on the circumstances.

1.) I love the idea of the Spotify playlist; this was a great way to tie in the focal point of her research: music.

Logan Green
1.) I like how he created an in-depth poem with a very strong message that music can and hopefully will help unify the individuals in our society (regardless of their race or the color of their skin).

Emily Melcher
1.) I really like how personable, yet, informative her blog is. All of the information that she included in her blog definitely made her seem very knowledgeable about her research topic.

1.) I really enjoyed the idea of her video clip because it showed a different perspective of a typical mass shooter, thus, making the genre subversive.

John Garcia
1.) I think his story/interview is a very interesting way to convey his perspective of cryptocurrency.

Sean Keenan
1.) I like how informative his blog was.

Madison Hill
1.) I like how her Tumblr blog focused on different aspects: celebrities, social media, body image, and eating disorders.

Emily Stalk
1.) I think it is interesting how her online survey showed how the majority of the individuals who responded believe that PAS should be legalized.


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