Presentations Day 2

Taylor Wilhelmy

I appreciate that she included real footage of hard hits in football so that people who are not as familiar can understand the issue.

Sarah Liem
The diary entry is a creative why to show the differences between the way males and females are expected to act and it works well to show this to a younger audience.

Luke Berard
I like the questions used in the survey. They cover a broad amount of the information and data for the topic.

Katie Herlily
The comic is done well, I think it's funny how the girl starts to write the song lyrics instead of her paper.

Logan Green
I like how the poem compares music to a vessel and the listener to a passenger. The Twitter page works because it targets a younger audience, probably the people who listen to this music.

Emily Melcher
I like that the blog includes the ancient history of vegetarianism. The picture of the food in the diet would also be beneficial to an audience who is looking for that information.

The trailer is good because it keeps the audience's attention because it is kind of scary and you want to know if the woman shown is going to get shot or get out alive. The music makes the trailer scary so this was a good touch.

John Martinez
The interview is interesting and creative because it tells a story about a made up character and makes the topic more relatable.

Sean Keenan
The blog timeline works well because the graphs that are included are an efficient way of showing the data and helping the audience to understand the issue.

Madison Hill
The Tumblr is cute and relatable. It is a good way to reach younger audiences in a new way.

Emily Stock
The Pinterest page is a unique idea and a good platform to reach all audiences.  The poem is a good summary of what physician assisted suicide is.


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