Project 3 Presentations (Day 2)

1. Taylor: I like how Taylor incorporates a video to show the audience how concussion's play a role within football and their protocols involved.

2. Sarah L: I like how Sarah utilizes text messaging and several journals to relay her message of the difference between gender roles within society.

3. Luke B: I liked how Luke utilized several different genres to focus on his topic on makeup, whether it be "glam" or "natural."

4. Katie: I believe the humor used within Katie's cartoon picture effectively shows how music can have an effect on one's school work.

5. Logan Green: I like how Logan uses a poem to portray the emotions music, such as rap music, has and the message of unity possessed within it.

6. Emily Melcher: I like Emily's blog as it shows the audience and those interested in vegetarianism not only the history of this popular cuisine, but also valuable information on this research topic.

7. Amaya:  The use of a video showing the horror behind mass shooting exemplifies Amaya's argument over the social and psychiatric factors that influence these events, as well as, how society has not done anything to prevent these catastrophic events.

8. John: I like how John utilizes a mock interview within his project as this genre provides an informational viewpoint over the popular Bitcoin Currency.

9. Sean Keenan: I like how Sean provides a blog to compare using digital books to non-digital.

10. Madison Hill: I like how Madison utilizes a Tumblr. page to correlate social media and body image.

11. Emily S: I like Emily's use of a Pinterest page to explore that physician assisted suicide should be legalized.


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