
Showing posts from October, 2017

Dinner Seating


Table Activity

For my dinner table I sat articles with opposing opinions at each end of the table. This is to show their contrast. I put supporting articles close together and the factual article at the corner. The Buffam article opposes the Rodriguez article. The Netcoh article supports the ideas of the Buffam article, and the Bollig article supports the Rodriguez article. The Jacobson article is factual. Rodriguez and Buffam are at each end. Bollig is near Rodriguez and Netcoh is near Buffam. Jacobson is at the corner.

Dinner Seating

Physician Assisted Suicide should be away from the other articles because it the most different from the rest; this article explains why Physicians disagree with physician assisted suicide while all the other articles explain the benefits of physician assisted suicide. Physician Assisted Suicide: Two Moral Arguments would probably be the closest argument to this first one because although it does show the benefits of physician assisted suicide which contrasts the negatives of physician assisted suicide it briefly explains the moral arguments against physician assisted suicide. These should be close because the moral arguments are similar in both articles. The article that I would put next to these is Legalized Physician-Assisted Suicide in Oregon-The    First Years’ Experience because it introduces a state where physician assisted suicide is already legal; this will help to introduce the idea that it should be legal. Both A National Survey of Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

Dinner Table

I decided to have the source indicated as number 1 be at the head of the table because it's an overall review of what gender roles are and how they work in our society with social stigmas. Source 3 was placed on the other end of the table across from 1 because it is another overview of a large topic within this subject with a thorough description of how gender roles develop and how they differ between the genders. Source 2 was placed in between 1 and 3 but across from both 4 and 5 because it goes over the ways in which the genders differ as the individuals grow both emotionally and behaviorally, whereas sources 4 and 5 are two different sources that focus on the separate differences between the genders and their personality and their self-esteem.

Dinner Table

For my dinner table I seated Clarke at the head of the table because I feel as if her opinion is similar to that of Henning and Grosso.  I feel that Clarke is more broad and the other two are more specific, yet they can all talk about how vegetarianism would be beneficial for multiple reasons.  Henning and Clarke both believe that vegetarianism could help with conserving our planet.  Girgis believes that vegetarianism prevents disease.  Since Lokuruka wrote about meat quality and how this coincides with animal treatment, the two of them could discuss meat consumption/processes as they apply to health.  I don't think anyone at this dinner table would have conflict with one another because I believe they would all support vegetarianism, just for different reasons. (Author's last names used around table)

Dinner Activity

I seated Shelomi and Testa near each other since their ideas coincide; Testa is pushing for bugs as animal feed and Shelomi doesn't think they should be consumed by humans. Lewis has tension with Shelomi because Lewis believes bugs are tasty and can be consumed by people. Berenbaum is seated further from Shelomi due to their clashing ideas, as Berenbaum strongly advocates for entomophagy. Caparros is next to Berenbaum but also far from Shelomi because of the survey Caparros conducted that proved some westerners are open to the idea of eating insects.

Dinner Table

In my dinner table picture I seated source 4 at the head of the table across from source 1 because they are the two extremes and thus must be seated across from one another. Source 4 offers a basic introduction to the topic and explains why this topic of fad diets is worth researching. Source 1 gives an in-depth explanation as to why fad diets are bad. This source will be the logos basis of my research paper. 

dining activity - Amiyah Lytle

This is the order I chose to incorporate my sources into my research paper: 1.      Rokach, Ami. "Senseless Violence: An Overview." Journal of Psychology 151.1 (2017): 107-11. Web. 2.      Wallace, Lacey N. "Responding to Violence with Guns: Mass Shootings and Gun Acquisition." The Social Science Journal 52.2 (2015): 156-67. PsycINFO. Web. 3.      Devi, Sharmila. "Researchers Call for Reform of US Gun Control Policies." The Lancet 380.9853 (2012): 1545. PsycINFO. Web. 4.      Blum, Dinur, and Christian Jaworski. "From Suicide and Strain to Mass Murder." Society 53.4 (2016): 408-13. Web. 5.      Schildkraut, Jaclyn, and H. Jaymi Elsass. Mass Shootings: Media, Myths, and Realities. Santa Barbara, CA, US: Praeger/ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA, 2016. Crime, Media, and Popular Culture PsycINFO. Web. I chose this order because this provides the nicest flow of information in regard to how I want to section my

Dinner Table

In my dinner table, I placed articles 1 and 2 away from each other because article 1 discusses the poor judicial and law enforcement practices that present in Thailand that prevents the prevents the occurrence of child trafficking and prosecution g of traffickers. Article 2, however, focus on sex tourism in Thailand and the profits that are generated from sex tourism. I placed article 3 in the middle of article 1 and 2 because article 3 researches the correlation between sex tourism and trafficking, which combines the topics of article 1 and 2. Article 4 was seated away from the others because article 4 does not focus on trafficking, instead it delves into the wealth gap in Thailand and how it is increasing. Lastly, article 5 was seated closer to article 1 because it specifically talks about sex trafficking within Thailand instead of addressing sex tourism.

Dinner Table Assignment

          I chose to put Vanzoelen and Caltabiano's article on the top along with Janssen's article because they both present and support arguments that contrast with the general stance the other articles take. They both makes points as to how video games can lead to a negative effect on someone's mental health. I've placed Aguera, Gunning, and Are án's article together with Li, Theng, and Foo's artile because they both specifically observe the impact that physically interactive games, such as exercise games like WiiFit can have on mental health. I've placed Schueller, Aguilera, and Mohr's article at the head by itself because rather than focus solely on video games, it observes the effect of mobile games, such as apps on a person's phone have helped people's mental health and how advances in technology in the future will continue to help people with mental health disorders.
     For my dinner table, since I do not have my sources completely thought out yet, I set out the different ideas of sources I would use.  I sat the two opposing arguments apart from each other on the dinner table, and since the two are arguing I'm going to throw some sources in their that argue for both sides, which may also include the survey questions considering the answers of the questions may be both for an against the argument.
In the following drawing I essentially grouped articles 1, 3, 4, 10 and 2 on the left side. This was because all of the articles on the left tell more of a personal story. These articles deal with music and the Cuban people at a more personal level. The articles on the right deal more with the impacts of the embargo in terms of number. Articles 8 and 7 for example talk about how education was affected by the embargo.

"Dinner Table" Assignment

For my research essay I am analyzing the benefits of the practice of euthanasia, otherwise known as a form of physician assisted suicide.   For this “dinner seating” assignment, I found five articles that distinguish different aspects of this practice.   The article at the “head” of the table, by Emanuel, serves as the basis of the assignment because it focuses on the benefits of euthanasia and can be seen as the neutral component to the paper.   The articles by Brock and Luper both highlight the objections towards this practice.   Additionally, the opposing side of the table which includes the articles by Gittleman and Goligher considers the ethical approach of the practice, containing both the benefits and the harms of euthanasia.

Table Activity

For my dinner table, I put the historical review of the commissioning of health care disciplines in the USPHS at the head of the table because it is more focused on the historical side of the PA profession and bow it all got started. It is next to the career flexibility for physician assistants and physician assistants: education, practice and global interest, because these two articles relate more to how the profession got started and how it has developed over the years. The career flexibility for physician assistants and physician assistant and nurse practitioner malpractice trends are next to each other because these both relate to the actual practice of a PA and the benefits and issues of being in the practice. I seated physician assistants: education, practice, and global interest and analysis of the level of general clinical skills of physician assistant students using an objective structured clinical examination together because these both relate to how a PA gets educated and th

Table Activity

        When picking the article placement at the "dinner table," I chose placement by comparing demographic and distractions tested. My research question examines the relationship between listening to music while studying within college students and their academic performance. I placed articles 1, 4, & 5 all across from each other because they all three use the same demographic of the average college student, but articles 2 & 3 use different demographics so I placed them across from each other. Article 2 uses participates in a primary school, and article 3 uses specifically only nursing college students. After placing the articles based on that comparison, I noticed that articles 1 & 4, which are diagonal from each other, test other variables of multitasking when studying, but still included music which is unlike articles 2, 3, & 5, which only researched music and studying.



Dinner Seating Chart

Research Question: How has technology allowed music genres to evolve, disappear and morph into new and/or other genres My Five Sources (listed topically): Lena, Jennifer C., and Richard A. Peterson. “Classification as Culture: Types and Trajectories of Music Genres.” American Sociological Review , vol. 73, no. 5, 2008, pp. 697–718., doi:10.1177/000312240807300501.   (discusses human behavior pertaining to classification) MacCallum, Robert M., et al. “Evolution of Music by Public Choice.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 109, no. 30, 2012, pp. 12081–12086. JSTOR , JSTOR.  (discusses the evolution of genre preference) Mauch M, MacCallum RM, Levy M, Leroi AM. 2015 The evolution of popular music: USA 1960–2010. R. Soc. open sci. 2 : 150081. (discusses the trends in harmonic properties among popular genres) Bryson, Bethany. “‘Anything But Heavy