
Showing posts from December, 2017


Taylor   I really liked the video that Taylor made because it was a good visual representation for people who don’t like football. Personally, I like football, so I think it is necessary to have more research done for the players wellbeing. Sarah I really liked how Sarah chose such a relevant topic to today’s times. I really liked her journal entries because it showed how much a person is affected by others. No one should be judged based on their gender. Luke B I really like that he used a survey because it gave a semi accurate representation of the people here. I think it’s really funny that he chose the topic of makeup because most of the girls here always are done up. Kathryn The Spotify playlist was a very unique idea. I like that she included songs that help her study, or can be helpful for studying. Music does tend to affect a person mood, so it was an interesting genre alteration. Logan I really liked the twitter page that he made because it hit his ...

Day 2

Taylor: Concussion Protocol           I really liked how she had lots of examples of different plays, it really showed how often they happen and how serious they can be. Sarah: Gender           If it was my project, I would have also included a journal in a girl’s point of view to compare the difference. Luke: Makeup           I liked the questions he surveyed on people, it was interesting to see the amount of people who feel they need to wear makeup and also the age people started wearing makeup. Logan Green: Music           I really like the poem, it was deep statement to tell the audience that individual music should be free and able to be made by the artist. Emily Melcher: Vegetaism           I really like how the blog post went into detail on all the different aspects of vegetaism, and has a wide variety of topics which got her topic across...

Day 2 - Presentations

Taylor wihelmy The NFLs hardest hits video was very good at conveying how sever these impacts that occur in the NFL can be, this is my favorite part of her project.  Sarah Liem   I really liked the text messages between the two teenagers because it showed how deeply this affects a person and the journal entries showed how deep gender roles cut into a person.  Luke Berard  The survey was very good at connecting to his paper, I liked that he did a survey with a wide range of questions that covered various areas in relation to makeup.  Kathryn Herihly  The creation of a playlist was a very unique idea and it conveyed her idea that music can help you study, you just have to find that right playlist.  Logan green  The twitter page did a good job of addressing current debates while also including his target audience which is teenagers.  Emily Welcher  The blog was very good at incorporating her personal exp...

Presentation Day #2


Project 3


presentations thursday

Taylor Wilhelmy: I like how she did a video, which was different than other people’s projects, I think it is an interesting adaptation of a research paper. It represents what happens when someone gets a concussion in a way that is engaging. Sarah Liem: I like the journal entries because it is a narrative. I think it flows well and works with the purpose of the research paper well. Luke Berard: I like this project a lot. It is creative and exemplifies the topic through different genres that are informative and visually appealing Kathryn Herlihy: I like how the genres are intertwined and unique while still focusing on the research topic Logan Green: I love this poem because it is informative and flows well, I think this genre was a great adaption, because music is poetry too. Emily Stock: I like the poem, because it is informative for a younger audience, even though it is a serious topic Amiyah Lytle: I like this trailer because it is a very extreme way to adapt the topic, t...

Project 3- Day 2

Sarah- I like how she brought to life the fact that people are scared to express their feelings because no one should be afraid to express themselves, no matter what gender. Luke- I liked how he brought a common issue to life because people feel as though they need to be someone else and through his survey he was able to show that people feel this way when they shouldn't have to.  Katie- I liked how she thought about both sides of the survey and really related her playlist towards those groups and what they would see is best for them. Logan- I liked how he brought out the side that people aren't trying to steal from those who started the genre but that they are trying to show their love for it. The poem was good. I liked that the poem used the argument and it brought the argument to life and it suggested a change. Emily M- I really like how the blog was based on her personal journey to becoming a vegetarian and she thought about her journey and what people nee...

Project 3 Presentations (Day 2)

1. Taylor: I like how Taylor incorporates a video to show the audience how concussion's play a role within football and their protocols involved. 2. Sarah L: I like how Sarah utilizes text messaging and several journals to relay her message of the difference between gender roles within society. 3. Luke B: I liked how Luke utilized several different genres to focus on his topic on makeup, whether it be "glam" or "natural." 4. Katie: I believe the humor used within Katie's cartoon picture effectively shows how music can have an effect on one's school work. 5. Logan Green: I like how Logan uses a poem to portray the emotions music, such as rap music, has and the message of unity possessed within it. 6. Emily Melcher: I like Emily's blog as it shows the audience and those interested in vegetarianism not only the history of this popular cuisine, but also valuable information on this research topic. 7. Amaya:   The use of a video showing the ...

Presentation Responses Day 2

Taylor Wilhelmy: I like that for her project she included a video that showed incidents that would lead players to the concussion protocol that her project discusses. Sarah Liem: I like that she used texts messages between two guys to show the gender roles because it explained her point on a more realistic level. Luke Berard:  For his project he included his own social media account to show what he discusses as the power of makeup which helps to prove his point of doing makeup for fun. Kathryn Herlihy: If this were my project I would have included my results from my survey so the audience could better understand it. Logan Green: I like that for his project he included a twitter page in which he included current issues among hip hop artists. Emily Melcher: The use of a blog to explain the health benefits of vegetarianism was useful in showing how it is a way of life that can provide many health benefits. Amiyah Lytle: If this were my project then I would have had survey...

Presentations Day 2

Taylor Wilhelmy I appreciate that she included real footage of hard hits in football so that people who are not as familiar can understand the issue. Sarah Liem The diary entry is a creative why to show the differences between the way males and females are expected to act and it works well to show this to a younger audience. Luke Berard I like the questions used in the survey. They cover a broad amount of the information and data for the topic. Katie Herlily The comic is done well, I think it's funny how the girl starts to write the song lyrics instead of her paper. Logan Green I like how the poem compares music to a vessel and the listener to a passenger. The Twitter page works because it targets a younger audience, probably the people who listen to this music. Emily Melcher I like that the blog includes the ancient history of vegetarianism. The picture of the food in the diet would also be beneficial to an audience who is looking for...

Presentations Day 2

Taylor Wilhelmy: The use of the video helps to give a visual and show the impact of a hard tackle, and how it can lead to a concussion. The video places football in a different perspective because many people do not think about the seriousness of a concussion. Sarah Liem: The journal entry was impactful because the first journal entry show that masculinity can hinder men from showing or expressing their feeling because they may feel that being "emotional" is a feminine quality, and men should hide their feeling. Luke Berard: I like the use of the survey because it show how different people use makeup, and to show that people should not depend solely on makeup for beauty. Kathryn Herlihy: I like the Spotify playlist because it show the different types of music students listen to while they study, and how the music can affect their academic performance. Logan Green: The poem shows the powerful message and impact that music, such as hip hop, to bridge to cultures, and t...

Presentations (Day 2)

Taylor- NFL concussion protocol I liked how she used to the video of the hardest hits as a way for the audience to really understand the frequency and the depth of what it means to get a concussion as a football player and just how important it is to Luke- Make up I like the way the survey he had in the beginning had the percentages of people that answered each answer because it gave context and basic information on what he was trying to achieve with the project. Emily- vegetarianism I like how in her blog she spoke to her main audience of young adults by using pictures and recipes rather than focusing mainly on large paragraphs. This shows she understands the genre and the people that will be looking at it. Amaya- mass shootings I like how in the trailer that she created, it showed the emotional element of the idea of mass shootings and put the audience into perspective of what it would be like to experience one, showing the depth and seriousness of the subject. John- Cryp...

presentation responses day 2 - amiyah lytle

what did you like (what works?) if it was my project, what would I have done differently? Taylor W. If it were my project, I would've elaborated a little more but to be fair, thats hard since the topic is pretty clear cut. Sarah Liem I liked the different genres she chose for her project. It was effective for her topic and audience. Her choice of a journal was very effective in portraying her topic of gender roles and stereotypes. Luke B I liked his topic because I connect with it. His choice of using an Instagram was a very effective choice for the audience. Katie Herlihy I liked how she surveyed people and created the genre for spotify then putting it on poster. It was very effective around finals time and her placement of the posters around campus. Logan Green For the nature of his topic, I like that he chose a poem for his focused genre. it was very personal for him and it was very effective in communicating his thesis across to the audience. Emily Melche...

Presentation day two

Taylor Wilhemy: I thought the video was a great choice, because not all people know or have seen what conclusions in the NFL look like. Sarah : loved the text messages they were so funny, The journal entries are also awesome, I think that these are such a good representation of gender roles in society. Luke: I love his project, like so much! the survey is  a great idea because It really allows you to understand the diversity that is found in the world of makeup. Katie : The Spotify playlist was cool to show the difference between ways that students study Logan green: The poem was really great. Like music itself had a good rhythm . a good representation of the actual project Emily Melcher:  I feel like your blog is all inclusive, and very informational. this is great cause people  who know nothing about it will be able to learn and maybe become a vegetarian. Amaya: The video was so intense but I definitely indicates the realness of this situation... it gave me gooseb...

Presentations - Day 2

Answer one for each presentation: 1.) What did you like about this project? 2.) If this were your project, what would you do differently? Taylor 1.) I like how she showed us multiple (visual) examples of how football players can be negatively impacted by their very own career (mainly focusing on concussions). Sarah Liem 1.) I like the fact that she made a journal entry of a boy being vulnerable, which is one thing that boys are not typically seen as. Luke Berard 1.) I think the paper survey that he handed out to a sample of individuals was a very clever way of getting other people's perspectives on whether a "glam" or a "natural" look is better, depending on the circumstances. Katie 1.) I love the idea of the Spotify playlist; this was a great way to tie in the focal point of her research: music. Logan Green 1.) I like how he created an in-depth poem with a very strong message that music can and hopefully will help unify the individuals in our s...

Presentation notes- Day 2

Taylor For this presentation I liked the video clip you had. It was a creative way to highlight what you were talking about for all ages to understand. Sarah Liem I like how she created 3 interesting visuals. She did a good job explaining all of the different projects she made and why she used those and how she related each project to the topic. Luke Berrard For this project, I liked the survey and how it outlined how many people felt they had to wear makeup. It was also interesting that most people start wearing makeup at the age of 12-14. Katie Herlihy The Spotify playlist was an interesting project idea, but it was a nice idea because it was original and an interesting way to get to the audience. Logan Green I liked the poem that he made because it was a hopeful poem and it can get through too many different ages of audiences. Emily Melcher I liked her blog post and all the different types of posts she made to get across to all different audience...

Presentations Day 1 and Day 2

ENC2135  (Pick 1, per presentation)  What is the purpose of the project? What do you specifically like what the project? If the project was yours, what would you do? Emily Nadel  The purpose of the project is to inform her audience, parents, to recognize and acknowledge how the teaching style in America is lacking compared to other countries. Her pan-flit appeals to parents ethos all while appealing to also logos, as factual data is provided. Caroline Bing  One specific thing I like is the poem. I personally am incapable of writing GOOD poetry, and I feel as though her satirical poem truly conveyed the intended purpose. Also the overall design of her website is very light hearted and welcoming, creating a greater appeal. Analeza Newman (Me)  Ke'yana Walker  The opposite genre convention is a Resume, and considering the serious topic, I believe this convention was perfectly chosen. The name on the Resume is "HOPE," which provi...